First I want to say this,...
If you are visiting the Zoo, you need to wear a Face Covering. Those are the rules. The rules are in place, not only to keep everyone safe, including the Animals, whose home you are in, but the Zoo would not be able to be open, if there weren't rules, and it will not be able to stay open if you don't follow them. If you can't follow them, do not come to the Zoo. They don't need the hassle.
From the beginning, this Mask defiance has been a major issue for me. I just don't understand it, and frankly five months later I have zero tolerance for those who give the middle finger to wearing Face Covering and Social Distancing. For those of you who have not complied, you are the reason we are still in this five months later, and will be for most likely a year to come. Thank you for being a jerk.
We all know the people I'm talking about. Maybe you are one of them. I don't care. It's enough of an obstacle of health assault just walking in the park, but in the particular situation of the Zoo, like a store, you are going to a controlled environment, and there should be a level of safety. So, you need to follow the rules and Mask-Up!
It's Completely Unacceptable and Disrespectful that People Can Not Comply with Keeping Their Face Holes Covered for a few hours.
Ok, let's talk about the Zoo rules. Oh, wait, before I do that, let me also note to Zoo Officials, if you want people to comply, the Staff must too. When I was there last week, a Staffer came by in a cart, with his mask under his chin. I said, Hey Mask-up, motioning pulling up mask as he drove by. He responded Oh, thank you! Thank you? He pulled it up, but Good grief... Need I say more?
Ok before getting to the rules, and sorry for the digressing, but again this No Masker situation is my thorn these days. Let's go over what happens when you don't wear a mask. Anytime your mouth is open you are expelling your germs. They may be allergies, common cold crap, or asymptomatic Covid. Whatever. They are yours and you need to keep them. No Face Covering and your germs come out and depending on size of particle can stay in aerosol mode. Those around you, behind you, wherever, for an undetermined time, are walking right into your aerosol stream. That's nasty and unsafe. Keep your germs to yourself, and follow the rules. Not only in the Zoo, but anywhere outside your house.
A bit on Face Covering. For one, and this is another major issue point for me in general. Part of the disconnect on this has been at Government level. In my opinion their wishy washy information has been lost on the masses and been a disservice to those that don't do further research and rely on their words only. ... Valved Masks. They are all over, and the Zoo is no different. I personally wear an N95 with a valve, but I also wear a covering over it. Its my personal choice to do this even before the reading more about valved masks, because the N95s can't be washed/disinfected, and I want to be able to use a clean face covering everyday, which is logical.and what is recommended. That said, the fact of the valve mask is that it only protects you. It allows for better breathing, and that means your germs expel. For that reason and other political reasoning, Valved Masks are not only not recommended against diseases, and are noted as Not Acceptable by the City of San Francisco as a Face Covering. This is all remedied by using an additional cloth covering over it. This needs to be mandated. Trader Joes has a sign about it, and will give you tape to cover the valve if you want to enter. The Zoo needs to address this. I see too many people, with Valved Masks, and alone, it is like not wearing a mask at all in regards to protecting others. I'm masked-up good I think, and I'm uncomfortable in the same way I'd be around someone with no mask. ... The Zoo allows for anyone under 2 yrs old to be unmasked. That is the City mandate. That needs to be emphasized. For that matter I don't know why anyone would want their Child to go unprotected, but that's just me. They make sun hats for toddlers with shields attached. If a kid under 2 yrs old can walk they should have on some kind of protection, for themselves and others. ... The Zoo allows for those with health issues and Dr note, as exemptions. That is the City mandate. I personally don't agree with it. In my opinion regardless of medical condition, no one who may be infected is exempt from spreading the virus. Two Words, ... Face Shield. Anyone can and should be required to then wear a Face Shield. Its not super protection, so should be worn with a light breathable cloth covering even if only one layer. It's not known how much spray the shield would prevent, but it's something and doesn't allow for any self-entitled mind set to get out of helping to keep us all safe.

screencap from
sign at Trader Joes
Ok, now for the Zoo rules. The rules are following CDC guidelines, which say, wear a Face Covering. In the City of San Francisco, you are supposed to have one on at all times outside your house. We all know that the majority do not do this. I could go on, as again, this is my thorn but I'm trying to keep post to Zoo experience. The Zoo clearly posts, that Face Covering must be worn. There are signs, and the overheard PA goes off noting to, "Make sure your masks are being worn properly". So, they are doing their part. That said, I think they could do more. There is always more that can be done to deter human misbehavior.
I hinted in an earlier post that I had left there near tears one day. That one day has turned into many. I have been completely irritated over the disrespect so many are exhibiting when visiting the Zoo. I'm not talking about a handful of people in the few hours I'm there. I'm talking about seeing someone every few minutes either not wearing their mask, or not wearing it properly. The Zoo Staff is being strict on the policy, and trying to respond to call alerts regarding offenders, but in my opinion its out of control. One would think that people would obey rules, like they must in stores, since the Zoo is a controlled environment, but they are not. I know the intention from Security is to have this handled, but adjustments need to be made. I think the response system needs an overhaul and I think there needs to be more Staff on the grounds. I'm not trying to be judgmental but honest about my experience and thoughts about how things can improve.
In the first few weeks, it was my experience that I saw one Security Guard, and one Interpretive Guide going around. One day in the third week, I didn't see anyone til the afternoon. That said, if you called it in, one of them would come. This is the same system used for reporting people messing with the Animals. It is not what I consider ideal. I have always been annoyed that Security spends most of their time in the parking lot, and then if there's a call about misbehavior they respond. It seems some of that hasn't changed. It does not appear that the Zoo has more than two Security Guards at a time, and one is often in the lot. There are now what seems most days, three from the Interpretive Guide group, but one seems to always be on the Zoo Camp car line. In my opinion, Education needs to handle that exclusively. That extra person is needed on the grounds. I was told Staff was walking around, but I have not seen any who were watching the crowd. Early on, I questioned, Why they weren't using the Docent pool as extra eyes. I was told they couldn't? Last week, one of the Docents I know was there in the new role of Safety. So, hopefully they will be able to get more eyes on the grounds now.
I want to add something unrelated directly to subject, but still relevant. When news that Zoo was Re-Opening came out, the protocol accompanied it. I was very surprised that the Zoo was reopening at 50%. I had been following many other Zoos, and had not seen one reopen over 25%. In fact, I just looked up Oakland Zoo, as they were very public about their financial struggles and risk for permanent closure, and even they are operating at only 1/3 of capacity. I know SFZoo needs the money that 50% would allow, but can they handle it? That was my question to self. I'm still questioning it. Officials noted we have 100 acres. Even before the Safety protocols, 100 acres were not being used. With closures, not just of indoor areas, but the whole area that includes the Playground and Children's Zoo/Exploration Zone, that is a huge chunk of off access area. In my opinion, the Zoo seems packed everyday. The crowding seems even worse when you are trying to stay clear of random No Maskers at every turn. As soon as Noon hits, the amount of people for the space is often unbearable.
Getting back to the reporting system. I have called in offenders. The issue with that is that for some reason, Security has not had a direct cell phone number for some time. So when you call, you get the main line, have to listen to the recording, press the appropriate number, report, and wait for them to relay to Security. Again not what I consider ideal, especially in Emergencies. And this is how it works, IF you get someone. I got the voicemail a couple times last week. The response time varies depending on where Security or the Interpretive Guide is. Sometimes, its immediate. A couple weeks ago at Chimps, it was near ten minutes. In that time, someone could have breathed infected particles at one of the Chimps. Additionally, I was told that when Staffers see someone, they call Security. What? Why all this delegating? The wait prolongs the time not only that people and animals are exposed but the window of catching offenders who will just walk on and do it again. Anyone who is eyes on the grounds, needs to be able to enforce the rule. If someone gets mouthy or doesn't comply, t hen call Security.
A decade ago, I suggested a video screen at the Gatehouse, that played a Welcome message, that included niceties and rules. It would play while people were held in line for ten minute entrance intervals. Much like an amusement park ride. Well, now we are in timed intervals, and constant reiteration of the rules is necessary. That current PA message needs to be playing in the line area, every five minutes. And there needs to be signs at the ticket windows, "Make sure to wear your mask properly at all times".
Now, for the other big issue I have. The Dining situation. In my opinion, this set-up is a real problem. For one, the location of the tables for dining around the Cafe is horrible for staying clear of people with no masks. At one area there are tables on both sides of the path. I feel like I'm walking through contamination alley. Last week a gal was standing, unmasked in the path next to the table where her companion was still eating. Lots of unmasked while not actively eating sitting at the tables. The unmasked need to be off the path. As well, the other locations with tables are also placed on paths, and other sitting surfaces are being used. People think they can sit, stand or walk wherever and take off masks and eat. That is not right. There is an epidemic of people with their masks off, walking around and eating, often at Animal enclosures. NO! this has to stop. I do not like crossing paths with people unmasked, blowing their particles out toward me, because they think they can just eat wherever.

To me, this would have been a no brainer at the start. Designated Dining Areas. And they have to be away from the paths and Animals. The obvious location would be the Depot area, which is not being used? Sure it's away from the Cafe and other food sources, making it a bit inconvenient, but isn't this whole Covid situation inconvenient? People need to adjust and if they have to take their food to specific places, so be it. All the dining needs to be in the Depot area, if more space need, use the dried grass area adjacent to it. Mow that area down, and table it up. People willing to sit on the ground can go to the Patas lawn. All areas roped off and signage, Designated Dining Area. Signs and PA need to be adjusted to note, Removing Masks to eat, only permitted in Designated Dining Areas. This needs to happen ASAP.
the depot area
All these UnMasked instances are a real problem. As I said, I have left near tears some days. I thought once the Zoo Re-Opened I would be happy. I have not been happy. I sat in my car one morning a couple weeks ago, waiting for my time to enter, and felt drear. Later I posted to Facebook...
I'm sure the Zoo Officials don't care about my experience, but I talk to others and they have similar feelings. A friend of mine, who is also a Member and has been going a couple times a week since the Re-Opening, messaged me the other night, ...
She wrote, "I agree about people being irritating. Didn't feel quite as safe yesterday".
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